In this D Pharma Pharmacognosy Mcq with Answers Pdf Online Exam we have selected 30 Important Questions from previous year model answer papers which are provide my msbte. In more general commonly used contexts the plural form will also be coriander.
Coriander is a name for the seeds of the cilantro plant which is itself called coriander in many parts of the world.

. In reference to various types of corianders or a collection of corianders. The bright green leaves of coriander are also called cilantro in North America and theyre an ingredient in many regional dishes often appearing as a garnish on both curries and guacamole. This Pharmacognosy Mcq with Answers Pdf is ideal for students who are in first year of Msbte D-pharmacy course.
Coriander is also known as cilantro. Synonyms -Indian GinsengWithania root Ashwagandha Clustered Winter cherry. Which of the following is use of coriander.
However in more specific contexts the plural form can also be corianders eg. Old World herb with aromatic leaves and seed resembling parsley. Coriander is used in treatment of sexual disorders.
Obtained by distillation C. Related terms for coriander- synonyms antonyms and sentences with coriander. 8Which types of stomata are present in catharanthus.
Coriandrum sativum family Umbelliferae. Which of the following is not a property of volatile oil. Tarn- Kottamalli and Engl- Coriander.
The seeds are known as coriander the leaves are known as cilantro. The drugs consists of the whole cremocarp which is sub-globular in shape. 5 Which of the following is not a property of volatile oil.
Biological Source - It consists of the dried roots and stem bases of Withania somnifera Dunal belonging to family Solanaceae. Question - Deadly Nightshade is the synonym of the drug. The noun coriander can be countable or uncountable.
At latest update no published data were found on excretion into breast milk. 4 Family of Coriander is__ A. Home grown herbs would have included coriander dill thyme opium poppy and summer savoury.
Coriander seeds are especially well-known for their use in Indian and Latin American foods but they can also be found in various Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines. Both the leaves and seeds of coriander show up in Indian Mexican and Thai recipes among others. Coriander coriander seed flavorer flavourer flavoring flavouring seasoner seasoning.
Click for more questions. Which sentence is false about coriander. 7In case of Rauwolfia which part of the plant used as medicine a Stem b Roots c Leaves d Seeds.
Coriander coriander plant Chinese parsley cilantro Coriandrum sativum herb herbaceous plant. Plant widely used in many cultures. Tear basil mint coriander parsley and cos and place in a large salad or mixing bowl.
6One of the following general charateristics is not true for alkaloids. Obtained by extraction B. One of the following is not natural auxin Option A Indole 3-acetonitrile IAN Option B 4-choloroindole-3-acetic acid Option C Indole-3-butyric acid IBA Option D Phenyl acetic acid Correct Option C Q.
Coriander also contains a small amount of fixed oil and protein. Answer - Belladonna. A Nitrogen in the hetrocyclic nucleus b pKas less than 7 c Good solubility in organic solvents d Opticaly active.
Coriander consists of dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum sativum Linn belonging to family Umbelliferae. Do not leave spot on evaporation. Pharmacognosy mcq with answers pdf Q.
Properties following the Commission E of the German Health Ministry. Obtained by extraction B. Which of the following is not a Synonym of Fennel.
Do not leave spot on. Coriander is commercially used as a spice and condiment and. With the help of Pharmacognosy Mcqs with Answers Pdf Free.
Obtained by distillation C. Coriander consists of dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum sativum Linn belonging to family Umbelliferae. An aromatic Mediterranean plant of the parsley family the leaves and seeds of which are used as culinary herbs.
Antecedent foregoing precedent preceding. Most related wordsphrases with sentence examples define Coriander meaning and usage. Coriander is a plant thats used as flavoring in cooking.
Coming ensuing next succeeding cortege entourage posse retinue. Withania Plant Part Used - Root. Fructus coriandri Coriander fruits Cilantro Chinese parsley.
Coriander synonyms - 55 Words and Phrases for Coriander. The main Constitution of coriander is coriandrol. The chief constituent of Coriander is volatile oil 015 to 10 which contains 65 to 70 of -linalool coriandrol and pinene.
3 Which of the following is not a Synonym of Fennel. Coriander seeds are ground into a. Given their lack of toxicity at correct doses a moderate consumption during lactation would have little or no risk.
Dyspepsia lack of appetite. This herb is used in both Asian and South American cuisine. Family of Coriander is__ A.
It consists of the dried ripe fruits of Coriandrum sativum.
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